Features of WordPress - Techno Kryon

Techno Kryon

WordPress is the most popular CMS (Content Management System) using now a days. Almost, half of the websites in the world are using WordPress because it is very easy, open source, highly customizable, SEO friendly and feature-rich. It is an open source CMS platform, so, the source can be found easily in the internet without any cost.

1.      WordPress is Reliable
WordPress is an open source platform that’s supported by a community of thousands of professional coders, testers, and developers. It’s been more than 10+ years, used by millions of websites and undergone a great deal of refinement. Not only that, WordPress include technologies like PHP, SQL, and JavaScript that follow the practices set by Google, and other search engines.
2.      WordPress is Free
WordPress is free because it is open source. WordPress is licensed under the GNU General Public License so, it free for anyone to use it to build as many websites as they want with WordPress. WordPress users will get access to free updates, thousands of free themes, as well as 50,000+ plugins in the WordPress directory.
3.      Whatever Your Business, WordPress Can Handle the Website for It
WordPress is not just for blogs. First WordPress is started off as a blogging platform but it has since evolved to serve as a platform for any kind of website. You can use it for,
·         Corporate or Business websites
·         Portfolio websites
·         Online shops
·         News sites
·         Membership sites
·         Hotel websites
4.      WordPress is a Pro at eCommerce
The popular WooCommerce plugin is the leading eCommerce technology used in WordPress, and can power any eCommerce venture. If you need even more features for your store, you’ll be glad of the hundreds of free and premium plugins that can extend your online store. WooCommerce will allow you to start with selling any product or service.

5.      WordPress is Mobile Friendly
While the technologies used by WordPress itself is compatible for building webpages for mobiles, WordPress also has a number of free and premium themes that scale automatically to the size of the user screen.
6.       WordPress is SEO Ready
WordPress is search engine friendly. WordPress takes care of search engine optimization. Not only that, there are many plugins that help to get your SEO right. However, it’s important to remember that search engine rankings depend on much more the content on the CMS alone.
7.      WordPress is Extensible with Plugins
            Different websites have different needs. Some may want to ecommerce sites some may want interactive communities, while others may want a perfect landing page. WordPress offers a same basic platform for all kind of websites, allowing them to add the functions they need as they go along. These functions can added by way of separate plugin or you can add functions with custom coding as well.
8.      WordPress is Secure
Security is a major concern for all websites, especially where monetary transactions or sensitive information is involved. Security is that no platform is 100 percent safe, with hackers now days. The increasing popularity of WordPress also makes it a favourite target for hackers to hack the site.
To safe our website from hackers, there are many things such as choosing a reliable host, give strong usernames and passwords, selecting quality themes and plugins and updating WordPress regularly. To make extra safe, you can install security plugins and back up your website daily.
9.      WordPress is User Friendly
WordPress is user friendly because, without knowing any code, you can create webpages from a user friendly interface. Working in WordPress is as easy as working with any word processor.
10.  WordPress Enables Smooth Workflow
In WordPress, we can create many built-in user roles with its own capabilities. User can edit their profile and can change the roles. Any user of a team can be granted various levels of access by assigning appropriate user role.


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