How to protect a website from hackers ?

Here are 7 Simple Ways to protect a website from hackers:

i. Use HTTPS
ii. Updated Version of Software
iii. Check Out Passwords
iv. Avoid File Uploads
v. Test with Security Tools
vi. Protect From XSS Attack
vii. Take Care for Error Messages

i. Use HTTPS

HTTPS expand to Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure. It is the secure connection protocol for HTTP, which is the transfer protocol we all use to navigate a network of information resources in the World Wide Web, (i.e., it’s how we navigate between websites through your browsers). A website will be secured (https)if that site has the SSL certificate.

What is SSL?

In recent times, SSL protection has been considered as an antidote to hackers. SSL, short for Secure Sockets Layer, is a technology that can transfer an encrypted data between end user and the server more securely. It leads to preventing hackers decrypting our network activities. On the other hand, SSL certificate is another key point for best SEO Service.

Example for HTTP & HTTPS Websites

HTTP - is not secure one
HTTPS - secured with SSL.

ii. Updated Version of Software

Ensure retaining all software up to date and it is significant to keep your site more secured. This applies to both the server OS and any software you'll be running on your websites like a CMS or forum.
When website security holes are found in software, hackers are ready to abuse them. Due to the need of updating WordPress, Umbraco and lots of other CMS’s constantly notify you obtainable system updates once you log in.

iii. Check Out Passwords

Make sure that your password will be a mixture of alphanumeric characters, symbols, uppercase and lower case letter characters and is a minimum of 12 characters long to stop attacks.

Do not use same password for all of your different website logins. Change your passwords regularly to keep them doubly secured. Store user’s passwords in encrypted form. Even though there's a security breach, this encrypted form of password doesn’t get in to the hands of hackers.

iv. Avoid File Uploads

If you've got a file upload form then you would like to treat all files with great suspicion. If you're allowing users to upload images, you can't believe the file extension or the mime type to verify that the file is a picture as these can easily be faked. Even opening the file and reading the header, or using functions to see the image size aren't foolproof. Most images formats allow storing a comment section that would contain PHP code that would be executed by the server.

v. Test with Security Tools

Once you think that you've got done all. Then it is time to check your website security. The most effective way of doing this is often via the utilization of some website security tools, often mentioned as penetration testing or pen testing for brief. They work on an identical basis to scripts hackers therein they test all known exploits and plan to compromise your site using a number of the previous mentioned methods such as SQL Injection.

vi. Protect From XSS Attack

Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks inject malicious JavaScript into your pages, which then runs within the browsers of your users, and may change page content, or steal information to remit to the attacker.
For example, if you show comments on your page without validation, then hackers may inject comments with script tags, which would run in every other individual's browser and steal their login details using cookies, permitting the hack to access the account of individual users who viewed the injected comment.
You need to make sure that users cannot inject active JavaScript content into your pages.

vii. Take Care For Error Messasges

Error messages are par for the course for an internet site , but they really provide hackers a chance to ascertain potential cracks in your website security. Limit the knowledge you provide to your users when a mistake occurs on your website but make sure you keep the detailed go online in your server.


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