What exactly Web Application is? & its features!

php web development company Chennai
Techno Kryon

Web application utilizes web browsers and web technologies to perform tasks over the Internet. Web application use a combination of server-side scripts (PHP and ASP) to handle the information and client-side scripts (JavaScript and HTML) to present the information to the user.

Things to make a secured web application
Identity Management: Application developer widely use crypto library
Encryption: To avoid problems with certificates then nothing would be better than SSL
Credentials: API keys, database passwords, etc. as a source control

What makes a quality web application?
A quality application is one that’s built for both the present and the future scope. It adapts to the new technology and solves the user’s long-term needs, grows the business and is easily maintainable.

How can a developer build quality applications?
It starts with the understanding of modern web development and technologies. The web application features are listed below which helps developer to create successful applications that meet their user’s present and future needs.

  •        User always comes first
  •        Security is a feature
  •        Tools are your friend
  •        Build for a multi-screen world
  •        Understand the importance of architecture
  •        Separate concerns within your applications

User always comes first
            Everything else should be layered progressively, to improve the usability of user. The web should be accessible to all people on all devices and just as it was originally meant to be.

Security is a feature
            We initially discuss the process of how people explore web pages in addition to the best way for building a framework. So we make sure that our authentication mechanisms are in place from the beginning and that data is secure for use.

Tools are your friend
Every developer must understand programming languages, web technologies, API integration, responsive design, JavaScript, modern architecture and much more .These tools not only help them deliver applications faster, but they bridge the skills for helping developers accomplish tasks they couldn’t do everything on their own. It requires an ever evolving skill set.

Build for a multi-screen world
You can no longer assume that users will only access your web apps on a PC. In our current trends your web applications must work across any device, platform, or screen size.

Understand the importance of architecture
As a developer, you must give the user well-designed and easy to use applications that are risk- free. Web application architecture will be invisible to the user but the impact that architecture has on your overall application is enormous. Importance in web application architecture is maintenance, security, flexibility and these are the essential part of building best web applications.

Separate concerns within your applications
API allows developer to easily expand the web applications across different platforms. In which, web application developer separates the user interface, back-end, logic and database, etc. The backend simply becomes a resource for the user interface. The Micro-Services approach helps in step further, breaking apart the resource of back end into many different services.


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