Hibernate with Spring MVC Integration

Techno Kryon

           Hibernate ORM is an object oriented-relational mapping tool for the Java programming language. It provides a framework for mapping an object-oriented model to a relational database Management System (RDBS).  Hibernate handles object-relational domain mismatch problems by replacing persistent database accesses with high-level object handling functions and direct replacement.

Spring MVC:
           The Spring Web MVC framework provides Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture and ready components that can be used to develop loosely coupled and flexible web applications.
           Spring MVC simple concept like Dispatcher Servlet, ModelAndView and ViewResolver, It makes easy to develop Web Applications. It is similar to struts framework.
           Specify each and every dependency separately.  We need to a lot of configuration to be written to achieve the same. But the spring boot was packaged as a jar with an embedded server by default.
          The most popular elements are classes annotated with @Controller. When the user sends the request it is accepted by a Dispatcher Servlet.

Hibernate With Spring:
            Hibernates primary feature is mapping from Java data types to SQL data types and mapping from Java classes to database tables. Hibernate also provides data query and retrieval facilities for further Process. Hibernate generates SQL calls and object conversion of the result set and relieves the developer from the manual handling.
           Hibernate (HQL) like to create Configuration, Session, BuildSessionFactory, beginning and committing transaction etc. Hibernate used to data manipulation works (insert, select, update and delete) in MySQL database Using spring MVC. Hibernate Session Factory provides three methods through which we can get Session object –openSession(), getCurrentSession() and openStatelessSession(). 

Important Dependencies for Spring and Hibernate Integration:
Spring-context and spring-tx for core spring functionalities.
Spring dependency for Spring ORM support, it’s required for hibernate integration in our spring project.
Hibernate-entity manager and hibernate-core dependencies for the Hibernate framework. For using Hibernate 4, we need to change it to 4.3.5. Final as commented in above pom.xml file.
Mysql-connector-java for MySQL driver for a database connection.

              There are 4 types of Mapping Present in Hibernate that can be further divided into bidirectional and unidirectional mappings
One-to-One Mapping
One-to-Many Mapping
Many-to-One Mapping
Many-to-Many Mapping

One-to-One Mapping:
              For example, you can create two tables (Primary and secondary table).  Both of these tables will have a unidirectional mapping. Primary table and we will be using Foreign Key in the Secondary table for one-to-one mapping (one row in a table can be mapped to one row in another table.).

One-to-Many Mapping &Many-to-One Mapping:
             For example, you can create two tables (Primary and secondary table). Both of these tables will have one to many mapping. Primary table has only one value and secondary table have a collection of values to hold (one row in a table can be mapped to one row (multiple values) in another table.).

Many-to-Many Mapping:
            Many-to-Many mapping is usually implemented in the database by Join Table. Many-to-Many map used to map many row values. You can create two tables (Primary and secondary table) for Example. Both of these tables will have many to many mapping.  

Advantage For Hibernate:
Hibernate is much easier to maintain via Spring MVC facilities.
Spring Exception translation.
Easily Configuring Hibernate in a spring context.
Spring control dependencies between our objects.


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