How spring MVC differ from other Framework

Techno Kryon

Spring MVC framework is associated with three layers that are model, view, and controller. This framework provides a decoupled way of web application development.

Spring MVC differs from other Framework:
                Spring MVC is a simple concept like Dispatcher Servlet, ModelAndView, and ViewResolver. It makes easy to develop Web Applications. It is similar to struts framework (developed an MVC related Web application).
It specifies each and every dependency separately.  We need lot of configuration to be written to achieve the same. But the spring boot was packaged as a jar with an embedded server by default.
The most favored in it are classes annotated with @Controller. When the user sends the request it is accepted by a Dispatcher Servlet.
Spring MVC controller is when you make a request to an application, a controller is responsible for returning the response to the request validations and transformations. It fetches the data from the database and then create a model object for that. The controller can also perform one or more actions. The controller action can return different type of action results to a particular request based on the request mapping, HTTP methods or data format.

Use of Dispatcher Servlet in Spring MVC:
               When we use Spring MVC all the requests go through to a single servlet like dispatcher servlet. It is the front controller for spring MVC framework. Dispatcher servlet receives all request and transfers them to all others components of the application.
              Dispatcher servlet uses DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping and BeanNameUrlHandlermapping by default. When the target is identified, the dispatcher servlet sends the request to it. The Controller works according to the request and return back to the dispatcher with model and determines the view that will display the result. Finally, the dispatcher servlet returns the result object back to the client side.

Pitfall for using Spring MVC:
  •       When we are using the Spring MVC framework, we need to the configuration for a component scan, view resolver, dispatcher servlet, web jars and other things.
  •        No clear guidance about spring MVC on cross-site request forgery attacks and cross-site scripting attacks in Spring MVC documentation and suffers for several security holes.
  •        Large configuration problem using Spring MVC.
  •        More than one View resolver, handler and controller are used in Spring MVC.


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